Scottish Labour Westminster candidate Scott Arthur visits Scottish Woodlands

Scottish Labour Westminster candidate Scott Arthur visits Scottish Woodlands

Scottish Woodlands was pleased to welcome Councillor Scott Arthur, the Scottish Labour and Co-operative candidate for Edinburgh South West, to our headquarters on Monday, 20 May. Councillor Arthur, who currently serves as the Transport & Environment Convener in the City of Edinburgh Council, visited to learn more about our company's operations and the role of the forestry industry in Scotland.


During his visit, Councillor Arthur toured our facilities and met with members of our team. He heard about Scottish Woodlands' company history, the unique employee ownership structure, and our current work in sustainable forestry management and timber harvesting across the UK.

Scottish Woodlands Managing Director Ian Robinson said: "We appreciate Councillor Arthur's visit and his keen interest in our company and industry. As the Scottish Labour candidate for a constituency with strong ties to forestry and rural affairs, his understanding of our sector's priorities will be invaluable. We look forward to continuing the dialogue with Arthur and other Scottish Labour leaders in the coming months."

"Engaging with political leaders across all parties is essential to ensure the forestry industry's voice is heard and to help shape policies that support our work in sustainable woodland management. Scottish Woodlands remains committed to working collaboratively with policymakers to promote the sector's growth and contributions to Scotland's economy, environment, and communities."



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