Nature restoration on a traditional sporting estate

Nature restoration on a traditional sporting estate

Scottish Woodlands Ltd has showcased an exciting project which demonstrates how nature restoration and traditional sporting activities can co-exist happily in rural Scotland.

Tulchan of Glenisla in Angus is seen as a great example of an estate that is focused on future-proofing through a mixture of woodland creation and peatland restoration.


SWL staff Neil White, Regional Manager (Central-East) and Erin Stoll, Peatland Project Manager, welcomed Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) staff from the neighbouring Glen Prosen forest to the site.


FLS is planning a programme of native woodland creation and peatland restoration at Glen Prosen and the visit was a chance to showcase the successful peatland restoration project at Tulchan of Glenisla in 2022/23 and to see the ongoing second phase of works on the estate. Duncan Laird of AEP Contracts demonstrated the peatland restoration works in a live demonstration, to show the different techniques being used.


The work at Tulchan of Glenisla has been funded by Cairngorms National Park and Peatland ACTION.

Neil White, Regional Manager (Central-East) for Scottish Woodlands Ltd, said: “This was an excellent opportunity to showcase the unique approach being taken at Tulchan of Glenisla - of nature restoration and traditional sporting estate activities working hand in hand, with one supporting the other. It’s a real success story and there were some important ideas and challenges to discuss and explore around designing and implementing nature restoration on a landscape scale.”


Mr White thanked Bill and Rob Mearns from the Tulchan of Glenisla Estate for looking after the team, and providing food and refreshments.



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