Meet Oli: Forester and Furniture Maker

Meet Oli: Forester and Furniture Maker

One of Scottish Woodlands' Regional Managers describes his passion for making furniture out of his two favourite trees in the latest Meet The Team video.

Oli Hands, Regional Manager for North-east Scotland, names Pedunculate Oak (Quercus Robur) and Douglas Fir as his two best-loved species. He explains: "I'm passionate about furniture-making in my spare time, and both these species make fantastic household items and furniture. I've made kitchen benches for my large family, chests of drawers, and boxes for wool out of oak. The list goes on."

Oli was attracted to work at Scottish Woodlands because the company puts so much time and effort into its staff. He says: "The company is 80% owned by its employees, and the investment in employees is enormous. I don't think I've been here a single month where I haven't had a training course. That level of investment is really reassuring and it's got great career progression as well."

His favourite woodland is Lantyan Wood in Cornwall, close to where he grew up. "It's an incredibly beautiful woodland of mixed species, predominantly broadleaf, and displays some very ancient management characteristics. It's a fantastic wood to go and walk in," he says.

Watch the full video here to find how a family background in tropical forestry fired Oli's passion - and why he has no regrets, despite “polarising opinions” about forestry.



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