Flintshire Woodlands at your service

Flintshire Woodlands at your service

The team at Flintshire Woodlands has produced a video to showcase its expertise in delivering a wide range of high-quality forestry and woodland services.

Flintshire Woodlands is a trading arm of Scottish Woodlands Ltd, and from its office in Chirk, North Wales, supports a large number of woodlands and forest owners - not only in Wales, but also the West Midlands and North-west England.

The film, shot at Flintshire Woodlands’ office and on the nearby Maes Gwyn estate, highlights the variety of work done by the team.

Alastair Squire, Senior Harvesting and Forest Manager for Flintshire Woodlands, says: “We manage a variety of woodlands, large and small, both conifer and broadleaf, and many of the estates we manage have a healthy proportion of both.”

Charles Gittins, Senior Forest Manager at Flintshire Woodlands, says: “For many clients, the main objective is to grow timber on a commercial basis as a renewable resource. The UK currently imports more than 80% of the timber it uses - which is neither economically nor environmentally sustainable."

“A prosperous timber industry is vital to the UK as it provides the basis of rural employment and a stronger economy.”


David Crozier, Senior Forest Manager with Flintshire Woodlands, is filmed at Maes Gwyn assessing a stand of Douglas Fir. He and colleague Adam Stirling are making a decision whether to thin the crop (taking out a few trees) or to clear fell (cut down all the trees) and replant.

“Whatever decision we make, the timber will go into a range of uses, including construction, fencing and biomass,” he says.

Adam Stirling, a Forest Manager with Flintshire Woodlands, also speaking from Maes Gwyn, says: “Some trees [here] are planted for timber, some are planted for biodiversity - but all will help in tackling climate change.”

Michael Hall, Director for South-East Scotland, England & Wales, for Scottish Woodlands Ltd, said: “The Flintshire Woodlands team is very much part of Scottish Woodlands, but operates under the historic name it has had since it joined the family of companies in 1988.”

“It’s a great team of highly skilled and experienced foresters and as the film shows, they are able to support farmers and estate owners with a vast range of forestry and woodland inquiries, using their enormous expertise.”

At the end of the video, the team asks a series of questions:

  • Are you interested in finding out more about forestry investment?
  • Do you want to know more about the range of forestry services Flintshire Woodlands can offer?
  • Do you want your forest or woodland managed by an experienced team?
  • Do you want to know more about woodland creation?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, or if you have any other questions about forestry and wood, please get in touch with the Flintshire Woodlands team at chirkenquiries@scottishwoodlands.co.uk or call 01691 770261.





Case Studies

Case Studies