A measure of success

A measure of success

The significance of monitoring and measuring tree growth was highlighted by a visit by Flintshire Woodlands staff to a forest in the Welsh Marches near Hereford.

Charles Gittins, Senior Forest Manager, and Adam Stirling, Forest Manager, visited a managed property to examine a 20-hectare area of mature Douglas Fir.


Mr Stirling explained that the area needed restructuring for the future, and that there were specific issues around PAWS (Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites) to consider.

“When it comes to restocking, there are some challenging and interesting decisions to make,” he said. “As we look ahead to the next stage of this forest’s development, carrying out a detailed inventory of the site, along with mensuration sampling, is crucial to informing those decisions."


He added: “Mensuration, or detailed measurement, is a key skill in any forester’s toolbox, as it helps to understand how well a timber crop is growing, what silvicultural interventions might be needed - and how much timber will be going to the market."

“Without these specific forestry skills, our clients wouldn't be able to make sound decisions when putting timber out into the market and informing decisions about forest management.”


Flintshire Woodlands (a trading name of Scottish Woodlands Ltd) is based in Chirk, North East Wales, and strategically placed to service Wales, the Midlands and the North West of England.

To find out more about Flintshire Woodlands and the expert support we can provide, please contact:
Charles Gittins
Mobile 07721.436103




Case Studies

Case Studies