Creating Forests That Thrive in a Changing Climate: Drought and Fire Resilience

Creating Forests That Thrive in a Changing Climate: Drought and Fire Resilience


Byron Braithwaite of Scottish Woodlands Ltd completed a Nuffield Farming Scholarship on Creating Forests That Thrive in a Changing Climate: Drought and Fire Resilience.
His research, conducted outside his day job as Assistant Regional Manager (South West Scotland), was extensive and could be crucial to the future resilience of the forestry and wood industry. 

He investigated the likely effects of drought and fire on the UK forest industry by observing forests in drier climates - and identified techniques and practical measures to increase the resilience of young trees at the establishment phase. The scholarship involved extensive travel, including Canada, France, Spain and New Zealand, to evaluate climate change risks to forestry in different climates, including the United Kingdom.


Image 1 and 2: Government funded seed orchards growing genetically improved seed in British Columbia. Image 3: Marion Mercadal, FCBA Institut Technologique, in a Maritime pine seed orchard funded by timber levies


The challenge

New woodland creation and forest restructuring that is taking place now, will be affected by

climate change in the 2050s and 2060s with the effects of drought and wildfire being more pronounced at this time. Byron wants to educate workers in the forest industry and the public to prepare for these changes - and to add resilience by future-proofing woodland creation and forest restructuring with a longer-term approach.


Fire signage at high risk locations

Manually operated fire danger signs are difficult to resource, and if incorrect can distil complacency into members of the public


The solution

Byron’s research examines key areas for building resilience in UK forestry practices in the face of climate change. It focuses on drought tolerance and fire management strategies, an area where there is a limited amount of research currently underway. His central message is that action to create drought and fire-resilient forests must start immediately.
Byron’s research identified solutions that could significantly improve survival rates of new planting in drought conditions - including packaging, cold dispatch, use of additives in cell-grown stock, careful site and genotype analysis and planting during optimal periods.

His ambition is to enhance public awareness of fire safety messaging, by supporting educational initiatives targeting children, and creating programmes for outdoor enthusiasts, including the use of social media and digital channels. Engagement with all rural workers will also be critical to ensure safe working during periods of higher fire risk - because, as his research notes, wildfire is almost always started by humans.

What next?

Byron has reported his findings to a variety of audiences, including a Nuffield Conference in Belfast (watch his presentation here), while articles in Forestry Journal and The Scottish Farmer have targeted a wider variety of organisations to get them engaged in this field. He has also had multiple discussions with industry colleagues and clients.

Implementation is still in its early days, but Byron recognises the need to maintain momentum, while understanding that engagement with climate change preparedness can take time. To this end, Byron has begun engagement with FISA 803 to encourage a focus on prevention. Engagement with Future Trees Trust and the Conifer Breeding Cooperative is also under way. 

Finally, Nuffield offered a fantastic opportunity to engage with farmers and land managers of all kinds to build understanding and a sense of shared responsibility for sustainable land use. Byron is grateful to be one of the first forestry focused projects within Nuffield and hopes that his continued engagement with this valuable organisation will foster opportunities for collaboration with farmers, and opportunities to share his passion for trees and forests.